Featured Pastor: Vince Marquis

Featured Pastor: Vince Marquis
April 26, 2016 dietoselfbrand

We must die to self.

The apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 2:20 “ I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me”. The cross of Christ is the most beautiful, and only perfect example of love and humility in all of history. King Jesus considered every one of us more important than himself, and calls us to do the same. The supreme command of all the scriptures is to love God and love people, and these two are unable to be divided. If the most important command from our God is to love Him and love others, then that makes the most important question; What is love? 1 John 3:16 gives us insight to this question of all questions. “By this we know love, that He laid down His life for us”. When searching for a definition of the love we are called to walk in, our gaze is directed back to the beautiful cross! What do we see there? We see the single most majestic act of selfless sacrifice ever performed. We see a King laying down His life to serve the very ones responsible for His death! This act of love decimated our enemies of sin and death, and set us free from the chains of selfishness and pride which bound us. Because of Jesus and His finished work, we are now free to love and serve and lay down our lives for the sake of others. By the power of His Holy Spirit we can join our Savior King in vanquishing our enemies of sin and pride through the power of love and humility. Because of Jesus we have the glorious privilege of dying to ourselves. We can put to death daily our selfish and sinful desires. As soldiers of Christ we walk in victory that’s already won, for the good of others and the Glory of God!

Vince Marquis, Pastor of Love City Church, Cincinnati, Ohio

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